Yahweh God,
Almighty Father in
Wonderful in
Everything are You;
GlorioUs in
Our lives
Do You shine,
Lord of All, King of
And greatLy to be praised,
Savior Divine; please
Esteem a dearly beloved lost one in Your
Sovereignty to
Accept Your generous offer, and
Value her to choose You, to
Exult in Your excellent greatness, in
Jesus Christ, the Lord; to
Examine His claims and
See them true, please Father God,
Save her soul from the looming fiery abyss,
InhAbit her being with Your own, bring her to that
Knowledge of Your salvation
And Your Love; receive, O God, the love she will show You, please
Overwhelm her with Your grace, and
Undo her with Your loving mercy; in the
Name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of Your
Glorious Holy Spirit, amen.